Get Involved

Landscape to protect waterways, volunteer for a cleanup, follow clean water practices, report problems and connect with your watershed!

Your Yard Thumbnail with a home with a Florida Friendly Lawn.

Your Yard

Create a Florida and waterway friendly yard using these practices!

White Parchment Paper Texture

Pet Waste Management

Be sure to scoop the poop!

White Parchment Paper Texture

Helping Hands / Clean Ups

Volunteer locally for waterway and land cleanups!

White Parchment Paper Texture

Make a Nature Date

Ideas for how to connect with your local environment.

White Parchment Paper Texture


Best management practices are recommended for various activities for optimal pollution prevention.

White Parchment Paper Texture

Report a Problem

Only Rain Down the Storm Drain! Report illegal dumping and discharges.

KACB Stormdrain Marking Event